I am completely in love with this project. It's probably my favorite thing I've done at Columbia. To clear up confusion, Crystal Children are children born to this earth from the year 2000 and sooner. They have hightened sensitivity to their intuitive selves. Often they see things like people (ghosts) and/or colorful balls of energy. When they are little, they learn to communicate in ways other than speech and sometimes begin speaking later as a result of this. They have very magnetic personalities & eyes that reveal the old age of their souls. You'll know instantly when you meet one, I promise.
My cousin Charlie is a crystal child. My project is an exploration of these children and their lives. Right now I'm focusing on my cousin, but I am interested in photographing other children and have contacted others.
Here are some of the images I shot today.

Also, here's a nifty picture of a fish tank.