Thursday, January 11, 2007

Artisan Baker

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Today I baked bread for the first time in my life. I used the Bread Bible that I got from Phil & Erin for Christmas and I thought it turned out pretty delicious.

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This week I also baked Banana Orange Muffins. The clean up sucked, but it made for a good photo.

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I also got to use my new silpat for the first time and I played around with Justin's food processor. I made two salad dressings and potato pancakes.

1 comment:

Margot said...

Mmmmm, baking is awesome. I get to catalog the French Chef at work, it's a blast. Though some of it is just down right disgusting. I hope you're enjoying the good parts like bread and muffins, as it seems, avoid goose, pig and swordfish so far. The photos are beautiful as usual. Making me so hungry for things I shouldn't have. Must. Go. Bake.